De Se Dab-But each "dab" Makes a Dead Meme Play AHumanTryingToGame - full contact app

Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 3, 2019

De Se Dab-But each "dab" Makes a Dead Meme Play AHumanTryingToGame

Best comment

  1. Granton8ter05!!!: A blast from the past...
  2. wan rayyan Gaming: Ha?
  3. MI I0: A huger blast from the past.
  4. AHumanTryingToGame: +Granton8ter05!!! Haha
  5. Vaniska Nita Zefanya Sianturi: Ugandan knuckles Are You there
  6. Shopkins Lover: 0:58 scared me when I first saw the meme for some reason
  7. Idiot Man: Ahhhhh....Rickroll the good ol meme
  8. Mo Flow: *Yeet*
  9. Crystal Rowley: This dead meme is mine! And this other dead meme!
  10. Stefy & Vivi: Kenichi is mah luv
  11. Mr. Stark: leave India alone 😂😂😂
  12. Jenner: No
  13. mlg gaming toli: Where is da wae
  14. Scientific Creature: 0:15 woow that meme has been dead for 65 million years!
  15. BroTGM Films: This video brings back memories *_plays Vietnam war memories meme_*
  16. BroTGM Films: One for every second
  17. BFBFan123: NOT MINE SONG!!!!!!!!!
  18. BFBFan123: NOT RICK ROLL!!!!!!!!!!
  19. BTS sucks so stop: getting rickrolled in almost 2019
  20. Lynn Destiny: Yeee, fat fish,crash bandy,give you up,what are those , pen pineapple,stingy,song,look at thus dude,ALL MEMES
  21. Levee diep io: Just so u no, the dab is a dead meme.
  22. Suprebob Toast: Why isn’t this video constantly playing then?
  23. WingDing: Rick astley is never gonna die
  24. THE DEMON BOY GAMER tellezXxx: Nick Indian is a version of baldi but default
  25. AHumanTryingToGame: 1 year ago today, I decided to upload this
  26. Annamation: SOME of these memes aren't dead. They will live on....
  27. Anon Emus: u forgot ugandan knuckles
  28. Connor Kevin: This is a sexual video but it's a dead video and its banned
  29. Simon Rockett: Why isn’t the bee movie script in this vid XD
  30. SaltyHQ: If you were to remake this, the video would go on infinitely.
  31. ThelastSeth 2: Hahahahahaha
  33. catch 21_YT?: Dafuqqqqq
  34. William Ehrlich: this meme is a dead meme
  35. Julian Herrera: The kid walks like if he is a trash can
  36. Mr. Kool guy: I miss these memes
  37. João Teodoro Batista Reiss: D se dab: Infinity War
  38. Sparkapug64: There is a difference between old memes and dead ones.
  39. TheNatuGuy 100: Yee
  40. KAROLINA Zasiadczyk: yee
  41. danks brother: *breathes* this is gonna take long...
  43. Brandon Steps: If this was on 2018 they would put Uganda nuckles
  44. Looting Lucas: a rapper by the name of dippa da flippa made the dab in 2010 at Atlanta
  45. Looting Lucas: i think they need subtitles they speak indian
  46. wan rayyan Gaming: Yay yay yay. Yay
  47. Ice Cream: YEE
  48. Spirit 002: Let’s pay are respects to the dead memes
  49. Mad lad almighty: OooooF
  50. Tony The Go!Animator: 1:00 WHAT THE FUCK
  51. Adam Mzaour: Ugandan Knuckles died a quick and painless death. All these memes died a slow, agonizing death, and left the internet as legendary memes.
  52. Everest Woof: PPAP I MISSED YOU!!! Edit- I know I'm late IGNORE ME
  53. don't judge me for my profile picture: H O W D A R E Y O U S A Y T H A T T O L O R D S T I N G Y
  54. IEATCHEESEBURGER Studios: *Did.... Did I just get Rick-Rolled by a dab....?*
  55. xRock Starlax: *M E M E S N E V E R D I E, B E H I N D T H E M E M E I S L Y I N G T O Y O U*
  56. Unofficial Spaghet: Some of these memes aren’t dead... *They are immortal*
  59. Drus 13: Memes timeline: Yee until 2020 Shooting stars until 2023 Never Gonna Give U Up until 2021 WHAT ARE THOSE!!?? until 2023 PPAP until 2019 Nick India Dab until universe dies
  60. da dude is rude: *I did not know i was getting rickrolled*
  61. Maisie is Hawt: u got rick rolled :3
  62. xbrandonmlgx lol: Oh no is is the end
  63. McGrank: Who else read the kill feed? Kill feed: this video shotgunned God
  64. Carlos Eduardo Valemtim Lopes Rocha: Good memories...😂😃☺😐😑😕😧😓😔😭
  65. Mr. Money: A dead meme with dead memes
  66. Zuzana Miškufová: *_YEET_*
  67. Holly Is Lazy: I love this 👌
  68. Brittany Basinger: Woah! Woah is not dead.
  69. Cameron B: his foot twists at 0:00 when hes walking near his desk :/
  70. When u get banned from an holy minecraft server: *What are thooooooseeeee* deserved to die.
  71. Get Over Here!: Kid from commercial: Get Over Here Me: Present
  72. MLGPRO Unlimited: 1:50 song name pls
  73. Dana Korba: My fav song ever
  74. Deadtie .3: I’ve been rickrolled before
  75. Claudia Moura: w wh why why e why ev why eve why ever why every why everyb why everybo why everybod why everybody why everybody a why everybody ar why everybody are why everybody are d why everybody are do why everybody are doi why everybody are doin why everybody are doing why everybody are doing t why everybody are doing th why everybody are doing thi why everybody are doing this why everybody are doing this ' why everybody are doing this '- why everybody are doing this '-' why everybody are doing this '- why everybody are foing this ' why everybody are doing this why everybody are doing thi why everybody are doing th why everybody are doing t why everybody are doing why everybody are doin why everybody are doi why everybody are do why everybody are d why everybody are why everybody ar why everybody a why everybody why everybod why everybo why everyb why every why ever why eve why ev why e why wh w
  76. Rainbow Butterfly’s Crafts,Drawings, and more!: Boii I gotta tell you something Everyone: What? Me: WAT R THOS BAB :D Everyone: ;-; what????
  77. Adam Gilbert: n e v e r g o n n a g i v e y o u u p
  78. Corynthius: I just got rick rolled in 2018 wtf This meme is invincible
  79. MissKayls 24: All of these are not dead memes. They’re meme legends.
  80. I am a fucking retard: Ninja is that one kid in the class who is actually good at Fortnite
  81. Harrison's yt chaneel: I will revive thes memes
  82. Don't subscribe please: You made me sad :(
  83. ItsStuperZ FlipaClip: YEE IS ALIVE
  84. Tels Deh Fex: wOaH iS nOt DeAd
  85. Infinite-Sth: RICK ASTLEY IS NOTDEAD
  86. Tao Alexander: No oof meme :( it’s from roblox I play it
  87. Sans: SHOOTING STARS IS NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  88. ShinyArc: Shooting stars was a good meme while it was still living. Then Nickelodeon killed it
  89. the stormtrooper who drank phd flopper: 0:01 *his foot*
  90. Mildred asmr: All of these memes are not dead to me...
  91. haydengyt2010: oh ok
  92. derrick blanusa: i got rick rolled what the fuck
  93. Recicle TIME354294: U didnt add u spin me round didnt u???!!!?!?!?!?!?!
  94. qing: Attendance
  95. The Pickliest Pickle: Too many dead memes...
  97. O v e r l o r d i s n t H e r e: You forgot this video
  99. AKM Shrekt: You fricken rick rolled me bitch
  100. Pp Mon: You could of just left the video normal.
  101. Preston Goodplay: What makes it funnier is that the dab is a dead meme while these memes are a legend -PPAP
  102. Alilatlan XD: 😞😞
  103. 99 Gaming Lives: So today I got rickrolled...
  104. The Great Jan: *None* of meme is dead pepole just think
  105. Justin. Y: Great now my cancer has cancer
  106. Funkeh the Xpanded Dong: RIP: Wut R Those RickRoll Yee Shooting Stars Epic Sax Guy You reposted in the wrong neighborhood PPAP Stingy
  107. Nizmi CROB: Join us normies, together... WE WILL RULE ALL THE MEMES IN THS WORLDD
  108. streamsniprr: Did I just get Rick n rolled in 2018?
  109. Bowser Fox: this vid is MIN
  110. Benjamin Franklin: 1:34 MY FAV😄☻😈👹
  111. Loggog: Rick astley and epic sax guy is not dead
  112. ~dont trust me~: *N A N I ? !*
  113. cat masterss: Shooting star meme isn't dead it's awesome
  114. Mr.DurMan 64: These memes will NEVER be dead
  115. Louis Walker: A dead meme lol
  116. marta rivera: why aren't dead memes shown every second?
  117. Sushi Coolie: What The Heck?
  118. Blue Moon: Lol i wanna die
  119. Justin605Sonic: Let us have a moment to remember these dead memes that died because of normes
  120. The Shy Guy Studio: YOU JUST GOT RICKROLLED!
  121. Vw beetles and Thomas the tank engine fan 13: This whole dab meme is dead
  122. Hex: Now that this is a dead meme I’m not sure what to expect
  123. Eldridge Robert: Plus new hand moves hmm you mean this 🖕
  124. kokichi oma: 1:00 *this will never die*
  125. Waahaa _1: You need to add Uganda Knuckles
  126. adenatorgoodguy: Will you guys ever get that *MEMES DONT DIE*
  127. koolness: rick rolld will never die
  130. EmmettRocks: EPIC SAX GUY IS NOT DEAD!
  131. EmmettRocks: Dez nuts are not dead it will never die
  132. Racer 25: the cringe
  133. AHumanTryingToGame: Racer 25 uploading and profile pictures are 2 different things lol
  134. Racer 25: AHumanTryingToGame Well i dont upload anymore i stopped 1-2 years ago
  135. AHumanTryingToGame: then change it lol
  136. Racer 25: AHumanTryingToGame HEY I TOOK THAT 5 YEARS AGO NOW IM WELL OVER MC
  137. AHumanTryingToGame: *has a Minecraft profile picture*
  138. lunarbreak music: Not dead, legendary
  139. angelfallaicha: Apple Pen+Pineapple Pen=Dead Meme/Legendary?
  140. Mine Forcers: WOAH IS NOT DEAAAD!!!!
  141. zyBorgsnake - Random Junk: You skipped one
  142. Blayzeart 14: When I watched this I nearly died the memes did in 2017
  143. THE WeIrD PoTaTo: ...
  144. SCEFT_ HK: Shooting stars is not dead
  145. Javier Mora: Wait a minute Wheres the dab?
  146. Uniplex YT: THIS DEAD MEME IS MINE Stingy will never die
  147. Gacha girl For ya: You had to put ppap in it
  148. EdiMations Productions!: Memes mever die! Every meme is not dead in my book! (1 TO THE 2 AND 2 TO THE 3)
  149. t a u a: This is all just a dead memeseption. Duuuude.
  150. River Graham: Dab is a dead meme
  151. Jako Eli BOOS: Almost none of them are dead
  152. watch my chanell plz: #shootingStars
  153. ⑨𝐂 𝐈 𝐑 𝐍 𝐎⑨: B E H I N D T H E M E M E
  154. Mariomaster500: 1:31 this dead meme is *M I N E*
  155. TGShadow: Rickrolled in 2018 fml
  156. Zoe Edwards Smith: Those names though they got some but in it
  157. Noice Memes: Wtf
  158. Sp4ng3: you forgot: doge nyan cat he needs some milk song name darude sandstorm dAB pepe what r u doin in my swamp who took a shet without flushing the toilet do you have any special talents call of duty deez nuts... etc
  159. Succulent_Animation: Yee
  160. Randomations !: 1:31 this dab is mine
  161. zeutai gacha: dab is already dead
  162. KittenClawz: 0:02 Matu Platu are sexual predators. 0:08 Did you need to do that kerichi or whatever your name is or was. 0:12 BEST PART EVER. 0:21 Darn. 0:53 WOAH 1:00 bum buuum bum buuum buum buum bum bumm (amazing singing intensifies) 1:09 They are simply shoes dude. We learned that in elementary school. 1:20 pen pineapple apple *PeN* 1:32 Ziggy's Feet, all of your sweets they're all emphatically *mInE* (messed up on accident) 1:39 (more amazing singing) BUM BUM BUM BUM BUUUUUUUUUUUM 1:45 Look at this dddduuuuuuddddeeee heheheh 1:50 (okay last amazing singing) DADADFDGUFGYFR 2:00 The part even better than *yEeEeEeE*
  163. Sad Hamster: 1:51 song title?
  164. 7 Grand Dad: 50% of these ain’t dead
  165. LU1G1 MAR10: *D se OOF!* *OOF, AND OOF, AND OOF, AND OOF, AND OOF!*
  166. XxDeadRosesXx SODAaaa: Butua
  167. Nico gamer1gameon: Yeeee
  168. Marek G.: Memes are never die xD
  169. :.:KriS:.:: YEE.
  170. Gg Gggg: Quality content
  171. Itz De King: I prefer the memes
  172. Brave Gallade: Ironic
  173. Kaine Seibert: Sad =(
  174. flintbot: I got rick rolled
  175. CrysanthemumFrog: Woah
  176. Pulmig 07: And now d se dab is a dead meme
  177. Knightriz Gaming: New ver gonna shoot your stars
  178. __Turtles __: 0:52 that got me good
  179. Miki Yity: Dobre
  180. Oleh HL: i got rickrolled IN 2018
  181. skelzor45: Not dead just vintage
  182. AwesomeGaming Roblox Minecraft And more!!: But dab is a dead meme too..Add it
  183. zab0n_: This is a dead meme
  184. It’s me Anoop: Thou could have played the dab every time
  185. Marizia Moon: I’m scared
  186. Nilsber: Rick is not dead cause its used for rickrolling lmao I still do it
  187. Noth1nToS33H3R3: NO! *NOT THE MINE SONG* !
  188. Robotguy39: I accidentally clicked on this I swear.
  189. for no reason: "tWo tO tHe oNe tO thE oNE tO tHe tHREE i liKe gOOd-"
  190. itzz_Mr.Gacha: *Slowly rolls to grave*
  191. Not Maria: 1:21 */why must i suffer/*
  192. Halo Sans: Sees ded memes -pukes-
  193. my name jeff: Did you just rickroll me?
  194. XxLeonismewxX: 😂😂😂
  195. stinky: dis mailbox is M I N E and dis tringonal S I G N I’m stingy and it’s M I I I I I I I N N N N N N N E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E
  196. Random channel idk xd: memes never die...
  197. swann331: There not dead memes there ancient memes that our an sesters made to show us the future XD
  198. *Moedje*: Meme killer confirmed
  199. Paul Moss: *softly cries*
  200. Bonnie the SWAGSTER: I still do the epic sax Guy with my saxophone
  201. Inferno Gaming 101: Du u kno da wae?
  202. asgore the eevee: No dab!
  203. Mocharle La Mano: Behind the meme in a nutshell
  204. Mr. Med Kit: This is a good way to remember dead memes R.I.P dead memes
  205. Lizin: 0:59 You get 1M dollars if you click this
  206. LumiNyte: Video:Yee Me:Yeet😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌👌
  207. End my misery: *Fossils*
  209. ElliotWorldTV: Gggggggggggg ppap
  210. El esqueleto de momos-YT: *YEE*
  211. Cacho Dolcera: Crash bandicoot... xD
  212. Mr. Floop: None of those memes are dead. They were all fucking legends, and still are.
  213. AHumanTryingToGame: what year are we living in??? 😂
  215. Grubbosaurus Rex: How is Crash Bandicoot a dead meme? He is just surprised.
  216. Aaron leoxy: But THIS is a dead meme!
  217. Sig: Name all the memes
  218. T A C O D U D E: Now there is this dead meme
  219. Cabbage Vurtal: What was first meme?
  220. Dawid ek: but how you get seizure from this
  221. batter82206: No u dab and true that yee is not a dead meme
  222. [GMD] MarioSonic4life: memes that still arent dead: yee shooting stars rick roll? ppap mine song look at this dude
  223. Samsays Greetings my tribe: No stop don’t dab for squidward
  224. Tooth Pick: Just got rickrolled in 2018
  225. tristan kasparei: I wanna die
  226. noname 11: u forgot doge and oof
  227. Z Donaghie: Ziggis not dead
  228. Mico Aniag: Why did yee die
  229. Give me 10k subs NOW: Epic sax guy wasnt really a meme
  230. Mundo Magico Maria Alejandra: Rare
  231. Sasuke Uchiha: what song is 1:00 i forgot it
  232. ACiiD 52: It plays itself
  233. Lovey Dovey: We just got rickrolled
  234. Van Garon: No
  235. Van Garon: Ahem
  236. The Official Atomu: Dab Dead
  237. Jammer891md//Jammer891rbx: This dab is mine
  238. NJ reviews: 1:00 {¤_¤}
  239. Cryp70: Yeet
  240. Potato Fairy451: Memes
  241. SepehrToto 23: they may be dead memes, but they will never be forgotten
  242. Mr Melon: This was a really great tribute
  243. TengAsy: *yee*
  244. Homophobic Asswipe: Rick rolling people in 2017 Dude you're evil dude. Like.. Just evil..
  245. Viciados em um só esporte: part 2: *DO YU NO DE WAE?*
  246. Baldi prize: Fat guy LOL
  247. Yoshi Blade75: 0:25 it sounds like someone said da wae XD
  248. Lancer S. Gay: SHOOTING STAR IS NOT DEAD OKKKKKKKKKKK!!!????!?!!??23
  249. Tina Zhen: I thought doge was gonna be here but I'm glad doge not here because it's one of my favorite memes and he's cute
  250. Unicornlovers Xo: WHOA
  251. BIG CHUNGUS: 0:00 to 0:01 look ate his leg it twist
  253. F0NK0 The Clown: Never Gonna Give You Up is never gonna die.
  254. Mason The Object Thingy Productions: You should’ve put Ugandan Knuckles
  255. The brother and sister club: YEE
  256. Royal - Kid: De se dab is a dead meme tho lmao
  257. DIO: So, meme nostalgia boner.
  258. minty taco: why so many dabs
  259. hallo_ catto: What are those and ppap is dead no one can defend that its not dead
  261. Omg Gaming: Number 15 Burger king foot lettuce
  262. nacgregor xD: YEE.
  263. William Boud: How did I get rickrolled in 2018?
  264. i make sandwiches: hehe.
  265. DARK SIG: No Please ;-;
  266. Pixel Pelican: *You got rick rol'd*
  267. Baldi: *hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*
  268. neighbor hello Killer: Yeeeeee
  269. ExoStudios: 2 minutes of our cringe, I think not.
  270. Catfan :D: YAY 1:21
  271. 『!』 Retro Player 『!』: Oh sh-
  272. emily sydney: Nooo
  273. Pepe: where is somebody toucha my spaget o wait its 2017
  274. Dynamo: Shooting Star is ded? ;-;
  275. Päįgë thë mēmštėr ;3: *_woAH_*
  276. Puffsketball: Roses are red This mailbox is blue I got rick rolled And so did you
  277. ulitmate _wolf17: At 0:34 it looks rong
  278. hoxocuxshhs dkxiduehsh: I like all memes and dead memes
  279. King Of cringe: Why wasn’t Ugandan knuckles that meme is EXTREMELY unfunny and stale.
  280. David Obah: 1:00 1:40 plz no
  282. MemesLane: most memes are so old yet they are so gold
  283. Kool Bird: But the dab is a dead meme so should there be a infinite loop
  284. Amy :3 Summer :3: Nice
  285. Fredster Gaming: the cringe
  286. Q_rty: Rickroll still alive
  287. Neapolitan Toast: Death: Good Memes Murderererererer: Behind the meme
  288. ElectricGamer 7509: 0:58 Well that's a good dead meme wonder what's next. 0:59 Fuck you
  289. Extra sassy Flamingo: Pppppppaaaaaaaappp
  290. Ask Nae: Its a dead meme itself
  291. KaneTheBoom: 1:31 How dare you disgrace my favourate song.
  292. kengie meyers:
  293. Aufy: 0:35 STRENGY MEWVEMENT
  294. Lukinhaas Mendonça: ペンパイナッポーアッポーペン deserved.
  296. Love Ekblom: yee
  297. DominikΩ омега сеншу: I expected some meta shit Like The meme itself playing
  298. Diana Gibbs: None of these memes deserved to die exepted for PPAP and 1:50
  299. I comment at comment sections: Special Thanks to: Behind the Meme For ruining our memes.
  300. Joef Ng: y ders no john cena or over 9000 meme?????????
  301. Brittany Meyer: 😘💋😳🎉
  302. Land on Stuff: Memes don’t die tho
  303. Kiwi SE: Epic Sax Guy? Dead? *NEVER IN UR WILDEST DREAMS*
  304. Martin Kovács: Bruh look at this dude isnt dead
  305. i was here: You forgot to add 8 more dead memes
  306. River Graham: Yee and rick roll will never die
  307. sebi: NO MEME WILL BE DEADDDD!!!!!!
  308. Free Blombergh: RICKROLL WILL NEVER DIE
  309. trying to reach 1mil subs with no vids: whos watching in 2018
  310. TFFC Mikkebak The Awesome: 1:00 So he technically Rickrolled us? Or... I’m confused!
  311. bendy Fans: woah
  312. Draconis: Yee is never a dead meme
  313. Totally not the flash :3: Those dead memes will rise from the dead.
  314. KoloaxAndIssy2K87AndKolocrab: did i get rick rolled?
  315. Miko Lanks: This is a dead meme.
  316. _xX_I’m_ Stupid_Xx_: *EPIC SAX GUY WILL NEVER DIE*
  317. Avery Patrick: But then you realize this meme is dead
  318. Cloudy Eggs: what are those and ppap definitely deserved to die
  319. Bendy The dancing devil: Shooting stars wich is accaully shooting man
  320. Bendy The dancing devil: YEEE
  321. Nuclear Winter: D se Dab *is* a dead meme.
  322. SuperYoshiFan10090 Studios: Everybody that says they are not dead memes are confirmed to be normies and are to be put into a mental institution
  323. Samuel Callejo: Where’s Ugandan knuckles
  324. Moo Moo Squad: STINGY IS THE BEST! THAT WILL NEVER BE DEAD!1!11!!!1
  325. God with the capital G: What you are hearing are lost souls
  326. peanutbutterismyjam: Quality content
  327. Johnny Johnny: Pewdiepie = King Of meme killer
  329. Godzillaman The Gamer And Animation: Isn't shooting stars and Rick rolled not dead?
  330. TheSleepingAngel: i regret my life choices.
  331. Nicholas Hoffman: this is also a dead meme so
  332. Putins Vodka: i miss shooting stars
  333. normal name: U forgot bleach tide qods (Spelled pods wrong on porpose
  334. Seabree Blanchard: What is the last song called?
  335. Diabetic Gamer: RIP crash 😢
  336. Tamara Springer: shooting stars. is not ded
  337. Goosie64: this whole video is a dead meme
  338. xrd_x: rick is always alive
  339. MLG 360 NOSCOPE: atleast the USSR meme isn't dead yet
  340. normal name: These memes are sleeping (For the kids 😉)
  341. Creeperdude2409: This is a dead meme De Se Dab But Every Word a Dead Meme Plays *De Se Dab Plays*
  342. Havoc-fortnite UwU: How many times can you be Rick rolled in a day? 20......
  343. MinerDudeMan: Damn this is dead
  344. Samantha Ordaz: yee is the best meme of all times
  345. Kyra Yates: 0:26 is da wae
  346. Darth Lazy: *POINTS GUN TO HEAD*
  347. bleh: This actually hurts to watch,,
  348. Turts: Memes cant be ded
  349. Qadrianqe: Memes never dieee
  350. dark devil: Those are good memes!!!
  351. Jocabed Torres: We got rickrolled
  352. Tanadian: Why didn’t you put d se dab as a dead meme?
  353. Hoovy Co.: so pretty muck i like all ded memes
  354. Pizza Man: 1:09 that is supposed to be 2 memes since there were 2 dabs
  355. Jaylene Edillon: *THIS MAILBOX IS MINE* I loved that meme... -It was number one-
  356. TheBestGamer: *everything else* understandable have a great day. 0:59 *RICK ROLLING IS NEVER DEAD*
  357. Royal Darking: *WOMBO COMBO MEMES*
  358. Gaming Galaxy Unicorn: STOP PPAP DESERVES IT PPAP IS HILLAR!
  359. robblequoffle: ලዐዐᛚ
  360. w00l: Aah, nostalgia!
  361. Blip Blop: Fuck you
  362. Ali AG: People still use the look at this dude roast meme until now
  363. Nitro gaming: Bro you forgot a meme and once and for all it shall DIE (SEIZURE WARNING) DO YOU NO DA WAE
  364. Daddy: Fuck ppap Glad it's dead
  365. Josiah Oliver: you forgot the daddy of them all.... *LET IT GROW*
  366. Snowflake the Slendy demon: Never gonna give you up is my favourite song!
  367. Kuito Jeomhetrikoh :v: You forgot uganda knuck- Oh wait
  368. Sub to me for no reason: all of the best memes are dead
  369. Ximena XD Invader Ximena Roblox and more: XD
  370. KG the BEYBLADE master: THE 2ND ONE THO👀🙏🏼
  371. ms gr: and epic sex guy
  372. ms gr: shooting star and pen pinapple apple pen aren,t dead memes
  373. Seth Gamer: Uganda knuckles is a dead meme no uganda knuckles?
  374. gibus heavy: If you think about it all memes will eventually die and not be funny anymore is there any point if the memes are going to die anyways?
  375. mr kindang: Ugandan knuckles?
  376. Fennekin YT: The Mine song is good.
  377. Porkchop McStudios: Ppap
  378. Caleb Smit: Memes don't die you moron
  379. Matea The KittyBird: Dab =bad
  380. azk: Yee
  381. Blayin Chay: It’s a dead meme now
  382. Gabriel Santana: You made me remember then
  383. Bob Cheesman: Oh no is rick roll
  384. Bob Cheesman: Polandball
  385. Bob Cheesman: Xncnfhehcbc
  386. Bob Cheesman: W
  387. No longer uploading videos, still active.: Most of these are immortal memes, they will always be alive
  388. Harder Icon: All the dead memes are back!
  389. KC Garcia: Every dead meme is legendary
  390. hyperguy65: The fact now that de se dab is now a dead meme makes it funnier
  391. the coaster corner: 1:00
  392. Kaden Harris: Woah woah woah woah woah woah
  393. Super Mario Fan 64: 1:09 he didn't count the other "dab" said
  394. Temmie: R.I.P. Woah
  395. Raul Chis: Too........many.........MEMES😐
  396. Tanadian: MEMES IN ORDER: yee, shooting starts, crash bandicoot, never gonna let you down, what are those, PPAP, Mine, Sexy Sax, Bruh Look At This Dude, and You Reposted On The Wrong
  397. GAMING WITH DEXTER: all the people that saw the whole vid have been rickrolled
  398. Chlorine Bites: Yee will be a meme forever my dude
  399. BTS_ Mochi7: Also this DOOD is not dead ok
  400. BTS_ Mochi7: ur mum is dead I’m dead too
  401. Cray Brown: remembering the good times.
  402. AmeliaCornPony: Yee will never die!!!!!
  403. Paky Lucix: Isn't this a dead meme?
  404. entertainment Fun Education Tech sub kuch plz Subscribe: #SukdevChakrabortyMultilanguage
  405. Mace: WORK OF ART
  406. Isaiah Andress: Tfw you quote dead memes but your meme becomes a dead meme
  407. Hugh Mungus: ayy my nigga kenny g.
  408. Spook Y: Excuse you but the shooting stars meme is not dead it is perhaps one of the best memes ever
  409. Nootify: it's funny because de se dab is a dead meme
  410. Goosaphone: YEE WILL NEVER DIE.
  411. Unikitty LoveKitty: Wait i got rickrolled??? *TRAP DETECTED*
  412. Unikitty LoveKitty: Shooting Stars isn't dead reeee
  413. Lucaio Super: Some of these memes still alive
  414. PainMorePain: Woah. What a journey, ma dudes
  415. TFFC Mikkebak The Awesome: Why didn’t you include All-star? That’s like the most famous one!😔
  416. Megahertz Neos: I got Rick rolled
  417. nativeboi907: Shoulda put the knuckles meme instead of the yee
  418. AHumanTryingToGame: nativeboi907 the knuckles meme didn't exsist at that time
  419. True_316: ppap is the only dead meme tbh
  420. Unicornlovers Xo: Woah!! XD*THE MEME
  421. Crazyray 123: 0:59 OMG WTF WHY ??? TAHT IS NOT 4 YT ITS PORN :3
  422. Denis Tms: Where is *Dragoste Din Tei* From *-AMERICA-** ROMANIA*
  423. John Hatch: ppap isn't dead!!!!!!!!! Neither is mine!!!!!!@@
  424. John Hatch: Shooting stars meme in a nutshell XD
  425. Just a gamer girl ❤: Starting dying at the rick roll.
  426. Thats1ColdFish: One of these memes are not dead.Which one is it?
  427. Derpy Lapras: 1:08 thank you :\
  428. Lukson: teachers teaches you how to not even be cringe-worthy and you should kys
  429. AHumanTryingToGame: K
  430. Archy: Is DSE Dab Still relevant
  431. King KEK: Behind the Meme brutally murdered these memes.
  432. Destiny Gamer: you missed one =P
  433. G Heath: N O S T A L G I A
  434. 9tron gammer: What about do you kno de wae?
  435. AHumanTryingToGame: 9tron gammer that meme didn't exsist when this video was uploaded
  436. Dzaky8668: 1:50 the name of song ?
  437. AHumanTryingToGame: Dzaky8668 without the words(the original) it's Glue70-Casin
  438. Amit Cai: De we dab is a dead meme
  439. Joshua: who ever made this video has gone to hell and back scrolling through these memes
  440. Evil Patrick: This is... Read More
  441. Doopie_215 YT: I got Rick rolled in 2018 **wHaT a WoNdErFuL lIfE i HaVe**
  442. Veronica Vitucis: I just got *RICKROLLED* JUNGSHOOK
  443. Heisenberg is my name: God bless us from this cringe
  444. Luke martinez: I love the shooting stars memes
  445. Xyphre: *gets rickrolled in 2018* G r o a n
  446. Xsle: 0:27 shooting star humpers
  447. Rem Isnardy: These memes are not died in my mind
  448. Moominster: I was waiting for PPAP and Mine
  449. Candy Complex: This is a glorious thing of life.
  450. Ness: It's not a dead meme until Behind the Meme make a video of it.
  451. Teh Gamer: God must've made this
  452. Kazotsky: Shouldn't the video play itself? You mentioned Dead Memes.
  453. Sa1Du2Ja: 0:04 they arent even opening their mouth
  454. audrey - cool kid: 0:56 Me When i am high
  455. A Person: What was the second one?
  456. *ちょうどモニカ。: yee
  457. Cubing Master: You skipped a dab!
  458. AHumanTryingToGame: That*
  459. AHumanTryingToGame: I already commented about thag
  460. Handyy: 0:02
  461. tiny&shiny27 randomguy: they are not dead memes
  462. tiny&shiny27 randomguy: just the 4th,5th and 8th
  463. Fnaf Andkittens: RIP 1:34
  464. Xalbion: He rickrolled us
  465. Megito Ivanova: Can u ummmm.. help mi bruhdas and me find our queen i mean do yu no da wae!
  466. Septy Retno: Wut is dead meme Oldest Meme?
  467. Andy _god: What song is that in1:51
  468. Crappy Cat: Ye
  469. A Crisթ Kinց Deás: But Yee isn't a dead meme :/
  470. Cristian Gomez Montt: Shooting Stars: meme killed by YouTube Rewind 2017😢😢
  471. Steve Doucet: Yee
  472. Lemon Skidoodles: *SPICY*
  473. Lemon Skidoodles: AHumanTryingToGame THIS IS PRECIOUSNESS IM DYING 😂😂
  474. AHumanTryingToGame: +Panda Animations COLD
  475. Spore Eyezor Gaming: The first one was a meme recommended to me by yt possibly to keep it alive
  476. Lincoln: actually rick astley is immortal
  477. IvNoah_h: Glad to see this video back on YouTube:)
  478. AHumanTryingToGame: +meme_addictz thank you so much! :)
  479. DeadShadozer: I never knew yee was dead :(
  480. Cage Master: Epic sax guy returned last ma- oh ok
  481. Alejandra Asenjo: yee
  482. Lilly-Chan: *Yee!*
  483. Silly Squirtle Gaming: 1:09 you missed a friken dab
  484. AHumanTryingToGame: +Silly Squirtle Gaming a comment
  485. AHumanTryingToGame: +Silly Squirtle Gaming I already made a post on that
  486. mat: _n o t f u n n y_
  487. mat: _I am just playing_
  488. AHumanTryingToGame: +squeech n o o n e s a i d i t w a s
  489. jgrahm: I miss dead memes
  490. Athena: Isn't dab already a dead meme-
  491. Athena: O
  492. AHumanTryingToGame: +Athena .w. not when this video was uploaded
  493. Synonymous: did i seriously get rick rolled in 2018 !?!?!?!?!!!!
  494. AHumanTryingToGame: +Exploziv haha
  495. _ Xaveir & Arch _: Yea isn't dead or any of these
  496. *Mr. Crappy*: ( :,'
  497. The Conservative: Damnit... I just got Rick Roll'd
  498. Xsv Xd Yt: I cried
  499. Sekrit dokument: I got ricked rolled
  500. Kusti Vuori: Memes will never die
  501. awesome _: Lol
  502. awesome _: why did you call me a dead meme...
  503. YipuTheDerp: The dab is dead so all you have to do is play the original video and there.
  504. PΛƬΉΣƬIᄃ PIΣᄃΣ ӨF MӨIƧƬ ƧΉIƬ ?: Abracadabra
  505. a guy who has a serious problem with memes: all of these are dead because of behind the meme
  506. Fruit Snaccs: Bagel boi
  507. Jenessy TM: *D A B*
  508. GabbiDoesGacha:D: You forgot *B E K F A S T*
  509. Super Kalvis: I don't care what anybody says, but Whoa is not dead.
  510. Mr Poe: Why these memes died 0:12 Yee too old for the game 0:24 shooting stars Well done YouTube rewind 2017 0:53 woah Behind the meme killed it 1:00 Rick rolled Way too old for the game 1:11 what are those Well vine died soo... 1:21 PPAP Time for the new memes to take over it 1:31 the mine song We are number one is the best lazy town song 1:41 epic sax guy Ultra sax guy is better 1:46 look at this dude I'll say it again. Vine died 1:50 you reposted in the wrong neighborhood It was never funny
  511. Clorox Not Bleach: Wow. Most of those were killed by btm.
  512. Days With Dae: Who spins then dabs? An Indian kid
  513. Λlonso: the first one makes me cry r.i.p yee 2012-2015
  516. NickerSnicker: But why tho? :(
  517. AHumanTryingToGame: +NicktheNoob yes it is
  518. enderlover: 0:03 ninjas face😆
  519. Lee Ern Foo: RickRoll still lives until today.. And probably until 2189...
  520. your friend: Yee
  521. Geometeus _: 0:59 in 2017
  522. Panzer Studios: But D se Dab is also a dead meme
  523. TogaHimikoIsTheBestWaifu: Trip down memory lane
  524. Sonic The Hedgehog: Thank Behind The Meme for killing off these memes
  525. GLOBEL tube: 😂
  526. Sophie :D: Dead Memes: 1)Yee 2)Shooting Stars 3)Woah 4) Rickroll 5)WUT ARE DOSEEE 6) PPAP 7)mine 8)Sax guy 9)look at this dude 10) U REPOSTED IN DA WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD
  527. Yessir: D a b
  528. クロンダイクバー: oh god i knew all of these memes
  529. *sebeneleben*: Rick astley is never dead
  530. Forgotten: Rickrolling should never die.
  531. Lnboria: Yee is dead? Lier
  532. 🕷HomeComing🕷: *YEE WILL NEVER DIE*
  533. Baby Stan: Behind The Meme is not killing humans, He is only Murdering Memes
  534. Just Madi: Pardon but Rick Astey will never die
  535. Douglas otaco: Br's chegando nessa bagaça sem todo respeito
  536. Xyphre: In memory of these legendary memes... I’m so sahd;-; Dese were killed by that dreaded asshole known as... B E H I N D T H E M E M E
  537. グミ【Gumi】: It should've played ''D se dab'' too
  538. Startak: the thing is with this is WHAT COOL CLOTHES!?
  539. Startak: ye
  540. AHumanTryingToGame: +Startak A Walmart Green shirt :p
  541. Omqitz MEH!: Y E E
  542. sameer commentz: What's the 2nd dead meme at 0:21called
  543. Pixelated Horror Reviewer: It is pretty sad to read "dead" that memes were awsome
  544. JaxMC: All of these memes were killed by Behind the Meme
  545. Fauzan 21: I got rick rolled in 2017 WTF
  546. Mr Poe: Well I got rickrolled in 2018. There's a reason why I'm a disappointment
  548. THEMASTER EEVEE: Guys I had a seizure when it hit wat are those
  549. goldenfreddyfan1000: crash woah is not dead
  550. OverlordT: dang i got rick rolled
  551. maizakuu vv: *coughs* *all around me are familiar memes,*
  552. Hey Beter: how can dead memes make me feel so alive
  553. MarioSonic4life: at least half of these memes are still used today
  554. Mário: Thank god "Hmmm i know everything" comments is not here
  555. Jamesuber: Funny how Rewind overuses shooting star
  556. the blurry Boateng: YEE
  557. Canned Memes: yee
  558. Kylee le potato chicken nugget: i just got rick rolled
  559. Kylee le potato chicken nugget: NOOOO YEE IS DED DD:
  560. Myszak PL: Yes new meme
  561. xanigel: D S E *D* *A* *B*
  562. Darrick Ting: There no such thing as dead meme those meme shall live in my blood Edit:ok except PPAP AND LAZY TOWN
  563. Camerom Shaw: Shooting stars is not dead!
  564. Melvin Koyuncu: Dead memes are the best.
  565. -Triggered -: Sax guy is a mythical meme.
  566. Juan David Hernandez: May shooting stars... Rest in -piece- pepironi
  567. TheEmptyDeadChannel: Not even related to the video (which is gud) I appreciate your profile picture
  568. TheEmptyDeadChannel: Max mah boi Also I didn't expect anyone to see this
  569. AHumanTryingToGame: +TheEmptyDeadChannel thanks!
  570. N Jackson: I still like you reposted, even if it is dead now.
  571. ryan xie: RICK ROLLING AINT DEAD
  572. generic loser: you uncultered swine rick roll never dies
  573. Skelly ʎllǝʞS: 0:11 1:39 only memes i don't like But other are GOLD
  574. Gabe's World: Rest in peace Exept for 1:12
  575. Szymon B.: My favourite meme at 0:52.... Nah.😧
  576. sanik *square ass*: Really dead memes
  577. stoned immaculate: Y E E IS TOO ICONIC TO DIE
  578. Adrimaximus7: Woah... RIP
  579. chris: this song is already a dead meme
  580. Galaxtic: Yee will never die
  581. Mystic_Trxsh: Dse Dab but every time they say "Dab" They loose 5 brain cells
  582. David Sneakers: Woah didn't die ya skrub
  583. Odacity99: Am I the only one who think that: 1. The shooting stars meme should've lasted longer 2. The Whoa meme was overrated as all hell and wasn't even that good.
  584. Rafie_ArsyadYT: 0:26 what's the music name? (Please no cringy Darude - Sandstorm meme here)
  585. tomani02: Rafie_ArsyadYT bag riders shooting stars
  586. Hom Tanks: Nice.
  587. Mazul studios: Me:dead memes never die You: But then why are the called dead memes? Me: because the have died duh You: I have no words
  588. Dat0n3 GuYD0uGH: When you get rick rolled in 2017 And remember y33t and peek?
  590. Veikko Humppi: YEE IS ALIVE AND WELL
  591. Ziviso: 0:08 आज का टॉपिक है डी से दब (aaj ka topic hai d se dab in actual hindi)
  592. SadMedic: Wow and rickrolled are not dead WHAT ARE THOSE AND PPAP IS DEAD
  593. Bout to turn ISIS into WASWAS: *OH FUCK ME RICKROLLED ASS*
  594. Susan Wasowski: What makes a meme dead?
  595. Shitpost Bot: Rick rolling is a classic.
  596. Įnånø Wølf: I rickrolled someone today no kek
  597. TheCubingFox: Someone in roblox always say this instead of yes Ye
  598. Mable The Cat: Yee
  599. Flare Blitz: I was just rick rolled... in 2017... Also stingy is bae
  600. N'Zoth: nostalgia.
  601. john boy: Almost none are dead
  602. firstname iskowitz: 1:09 missed one
  603. firstname iskowitz: oh
  604. AHumanTryingToGame: +firstname iskowitz I already mentioned that
  605. Bout to turn ISIS into WASWAS: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *yee*
  606. ᖙαиιɛƖ ツシ: The rick roll will never die as long as I live Epic sax guy doesn’t die
  607. JAW Gamer819: Have you realized some aren’t dead
  608. Arturidot: Behind the meme killed woah!
  609. Wintery Chez: Dab till your dabbed dabbed dabbed dabbed dab dab dabbed dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dabbed. HUUUUUUUUUUU- DABABBABDBSBBDBBABBDBBABDBABBDBBABDBA
  610. Abbie Potter: i cried
  612. Sam Howard: i got rickrolled 😩
  613. The real Ann takamaki: Those that didn't make it to the YouTube rewind 2017 oh wait it's was on the dead grave yard
  614. S O F T A N D N E A T: *T H I S M A I L B O X I S MINE! A N D T H I S T R I A G L N A L S I G N!*
  615. Spidey: 0:18 "YEE"
  616. Boom FaceYT: They are not dead memes they're legendary memes
  617. MissKayls 24: 👌
  618. Sack of Potatoes: except for the second one...
  619. Bowser Fox: mlg
  620. THE RED GAMER: What are doos are
  621. EdiMations Productions!: Yup
  622. som boi: i had actually went blank because of the seizure
  623. Frickeronni: Rick rolling will never die
  624. snorkel: <
  625. AHumanTryingToGame: +Tristo Boi ฅ(˘ω˘ )ฅ
  626. Nathan: WHY RICKROLLING ME!!!!!! At 1;04
  627. AHumanTryingToGame: +Kyle broflovski Well I rickrolled you because I can then
  628. Nathan: AHumanTryingToGame well cause i can
  629. AHumanTryingToGame: +Kyle broflovski why did you kick the baby!?
  630. Vukašin Popović: 1:22 yoooo i forgoted about this meme
  631. Tyoo Pok: Woah never die
  632. Devin Urbina: Behind the meme killed it
  633. Myra ᗩᗪᒪᗴᖇ: God help us all
  634. Masked Bro18: So nostalgic
  635. Ionut MLG: Dab = Raise!
  636. Z. Lapu: why I cant find Harambe?
  637. Memez & Weed: Top 10 saddest anime deaths -Watchmojo
  638. FurtherIntoTheAudio: ░░░░░░░░░▄▄▄██▀▀▀▀███▄░░░░░ ░░░░░░░▄▀▀░░░░░░░░░░░▀█░░░░ ░░░░▄▄▀░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀█░░░ ░░░█░░░░░▀▄░░▄▀░░░░░░░░█░░░ ░░░▐██▄░░▀▄▀▀▄▀░░▄██▀░▐▌░░░ ░░░█▀█░▀░░░▀▀░░░▀░█▀░░▐▌░░░ ░░░█░░▀▐░░░░░░░░▌▀░░░░░█░░░ ░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░ ░░░░█░░▀▄░░░░▄▀░░░░░░░░█░░░ ░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░▄▄░░░░█░░░░ ░░░░░█▀██▀▀▀▀██▀░░░░░░█░░░░ ░░░░░█░░▀████▀░░░░░░░█░░░░░ ░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░▄█░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░██░░░░░█▄▄▀▀░█░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░▀▀█▀▀▀▀░░░░░░█░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░
  639. Memez & Weed: FurtherIntoTheAudio im on phone
  640. Sushii Maconheiro: Epic sax guy, rick roll and you reposted in the wrong neighborhood are the bests
  641. Im a Weeaboo: All of these were sadly killed to Behind the meme.
  642. ScorZulu: Thats stupid af
  643. Mystery Bunny's Adventures!: NOOO CRASH  BANDICOOT ISN'T A DEAD MEME, HE'S MY HOMIE (school meme)
  644. Ana Karina Trujillo: #stingywillneverdie
  645. DeadlyLate77: The sprit of yee will live on
  646. Antonio The German: I died but no one came to my funeral
  647. banana milk: Tbh I missed the Shooting Stars meme rip oof
  648. Shannon Harvey: Someone tell me the song at 1:50
  649. The Markinator: I got fucking rick rolled
  650. Ryan B: So cringey I almost lost my spine with all the cringe (not all, some rest in peace)
  651. Dingus: Why is Yee a dead meme?
  652. Ghost Goat: Can't believe I got Rick rolled in 2017
  653. Mark .B: PLS KILL ME
  654. of course: >implying this meme isn't dead
  655. OreoMilkshake567: Yea isn't dead
  656. dead meme: DOGE THE DOGGO
  657. dead meme: Weege and sanic
  658. GK brickworks: 0:46 prepare for meme bomb
  659. Omar Hajjar: My kidney hurts
  660. Kniazcheto BG: YEEEEEEEEEEEE
  661. Memeulous: 1:00 you uncultured swine this meme will never die
  662. Evan Roberts: 00:05 ninja looks like hes wondering if he's actually there or not
  663. メイジンMeyzin: All my favorite memes in a one video.
  664. Sofia Mish: wow, u r really stupid for thinking any of these memes are dead i feel bad for you
  665. Sofia Mish: i liked them when they were popular and in the words of rick astly; never gonna give them up never gonna let them down never gonna turn around and hurt them. i've made my point, but i think that AWESOME youtube rewind video just RESSURECTED these memes
  666. AHumanTryingToGame: +Sofia Mish I feel bad for you that you still use these memes xD
  667. Nuclear Trex: Woah meme 2017 - Literally 1 minute after his birth
  668. Filbert: quality shit
  669. AHumanTryingToGame: +Filbert 👌
  670. Please don’t say anything about my profile pic Plz: Oh I loved the yee meme.
  671. Casper: I just got rick rolled.... in 2017
  672. AHumanTryingToGame: +Caspern hehehe
  673. Gifalore 0121: This ad made by Nike India is a dead meme
  674. Mazafesio El Madafaka: Ehr.. What time is it? 5:26? No.. *2017!!!!!!*
  675. Uganda knuckle and russian knuckle: Epic sax guy will always be a legend
  676. ItsKroniix: 0:59 oh dear, i thought it would play all of the song
  677. Memeulous 2: The memes aren't dead
  678. Oh No: *YEE*
  679. Dennis Berkamp: Omg dat ass at 00:59
  680. theloliconwhoprotectloli: A meme never die, it just not used recently
  681. Alwee: Rickrolling is eternal
  682. Memeblox: 0:35 Oof.
  683. the tired tuber: Memeblox I loved that meme
  684. kurisumin: Isn’t the Dab itself a dead meme?
  685. jason Crout: d sedab is like injecting lsd heroin helisinegenitivs ded memes cancer and aids all at once
  686. Bepis Can: *Y E E*
  687. Peek Brasileiro: NOOOOOOO!!! I AM A DEAD MEME!!
  688. the tired tuber: Peek Brasileiro go talk to Jason crout up top a lil bit
  689. Dylan Sucks At Life: They are not dead in my heart or internal origins
  690. Zach Than: RIP SHOOTING STARS 😩😤😱😤😥
  691. Ye e: Im not dead
  692. spinner :v: 1:03 PRANKED BICH
  693. Namster: 1:51 Not dead also.
  694. Namster: 1:04 That meme can never die man.
  695. Bombylius: Yee isn't dead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  696. Sonic Jeż: Wheres proto?
  697. Len! Len!: yee and mine isn't old!
  698. Kid Mechanist892/David Playz: Rip woah meme
  699. alreesa: Is it weird i think that some of these arent dead
  700. Zappier Halo: Do you think SpongeBob memes will ever die
  701. bird healer: Rip (rest in pieces)
  702. Death Grips: not sure if i was rick rolled for expecting a dead meme or you just don't realize that rick rolling is alive and well
  703. Luke alias 1uk3: sry but rickroll has died long time ago
  704. Gabriel F. Cyrus: I got rickrolled here...great
  705. LOWKEYJAYY: 1:33 when I saw stingy * GODDAMNIT STINGY*
  706. Kuasar: Right in the feels Goddamn normies
  707. Beast Mode Braeden: None of these memes are dead
  708. CB sheep: There not dead, There still in our hearts.
  709. ArdeneD: M E M E
  710. Mav: Yee isnt dead!!!
  711. Lenny's Crackz: Heeeeeey, *WOAH* is not dead ;-;
  712. Boa Ideia: Memes never die
  713. Kadz: YEE IS NOT DEADDDDDD11!!1!1!1!!1
  714. Mr. Kool guy: HE IS DEAD WAAAAAAAAA ;(
  715. Yeeto Cheeto: Kadz ikr
  716. McGrank: Now it is
  717. I'm Leymann: You forgot the ima firing mah lazer meme
  718. Kyleprodo x: Crash meme is not dead ....pffffft .woah
  719. Johann Gabriel: 666 COMMENTS
  720. AHumanTryingToGame: +Johann Gabriel 698
  721. Johann Gabriel: lol
  722. hawkguy: 1:08 He said Dab twice and there was only 1 dead meme. You fucking lied to me.
  723. Andrew Brzozy: Wow guys 1:00 is so hilarious 😂😂 i can't stop laughing omg I'm dead! 😂
  724. DaisyLovesChocolate101: Two to the one to the one to the DAB
  725. Austin Savage: But dab is a dead meme so is it just a lot of dabs?
  726. OhHelloThErE: I hope this meme dies already it's starting to get annoying and boring same thing on each one No affence No hate comment Do not take this comment seriously
  727. Repent motherfucker: I only watch real meme compilations.
  728. I have no life Please help me: I can't believe I roasted in 2017
  729. oo f: Kill it kill it noww
  731. Futur3: Shooting stars will never die in my heart
  732. The Stach: R.I.P Yee..
  733. kineticsatomb: The mine song is a legend. Legends never die.
  734. • RaspyDucky •: shooting star isn't completly dead. he came back alive because of pennywise dancing on a shooting star greenscreen
  735. X Sem-O X: Stingy was my favorite
  736. AHumanTryingToGame: +X Sem-O X glad to know! 👍
  737. shook book: Yee..shooting stars... Wooh...Yu know dis one Wut are dose..PPAP Its Mine :D....look at dos dude
  738. Gloomy Gondola: D se STOP
  739. BuildBlok 85: 1:05 i believe i got rick rolled.
  740. Jim's Gotta Catch Them All: Hold 🔲 to revive dead memes
  741. littenmaddness bros: Sonic The Hedgehog idk.
  742. Sonic The Hedgehog: littenmaddness bros I wasn't talking to you, was i?
  743. littenmaddness bros: Sonic The Hedgehog I know.
  744. Sonic The Hedgehog: Lyonel Melencio/ are you high? Square button is on PS4, not xbox.
  745. littenmaddness bros: Retaliation Nation Jamstone Scatter.
  746. Graytoast God of Soup Cans: I should be sleeping
  747. ɓuıɥʇouʇɔǝɟɹǝd: mine song is still alive... In my heart... 😭
  749. Iketani Koichiro: What are those is not a meme
  750. AHumanTryingToGame: +Iketani Koichiro opinions
  751. birch: no john cena, FeelsBadMan so dead not even remembered
  752. Thi Anidem: Ah, this is quite nostalgic, actually.
  753. datbluanimatr /mangle9: Dabs are dead
  754. AHumanTryingToGame: +datbluanimatr /mangle9 👍
  755. TANGYBER: Boi we gonna revive shooting stars
  756. Mark Ferring: that was one long two minites
  757. Traveller beige: *Sniff* Yee never deserved to die.
  758. b u t t e r s: De se dab is becoming a meme now
  759. dario_bejar: NO!!!!! RICK ROLL ISN'T DEAD!!!!! IT CANNOT BE!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
  760. Haha Yes: Fuck i miss Yee 😥
  761. Manuel Mendoza: More like every dab it replays itself
  762. Emo Weeaboo Gamer: What are those and ppap can go back to were it came from straight from hell
  764. I'm Your Bean: Woah is sadly a ded meme ;_________;
  765. Loathing Inc.: No CDi characters or I.M. Meen? Huh. They may be dead in everyone else’s eyes but I still get a kick out of them. Call me a “normie” if you want, it won’t stop me.
  766. RJ Nyman: Got Rick Rolled
  767. Channel Name: Behind the meme Was here
  768. AHumanTryingToGame: +Danker Dork Everyone evacuate!
  769. Kironam: Was ppap actually considered a meme? I'm disappointed..
  770. Reallondone r: 1:45 meme name pls
  771. The Yeer: I'm happy to see that my name jeff isn't on this list
  772. LilDoggo 27: attendance motu patlu present gattu battu present ninja present kenichi present todays topic d se dab dab da dab da dab dab dab you got the cool clothes + attitude + new hand moves and dab and dab and dab and dab and dab
  773. The golden Duck: Deez memes aren’t dead
  774. Luna Wolf: *Y e e*
  775. Diego leòn: legends never dies
  776. Carol Bayasca: Theory: Most memes are not dead.
  777. sonic and tails: Well... At least not wo- OH HELL NO *boosts out of chair and shoots a dart at a dart board with Behind The Meme *
  778. AndrewAble TV: I'm on ACID I think
  779. Isabella456: They’re not dead
  780. Tropical -0: You reposted in the wrong Matu Patlu....
  781. AHumanTryingToGame: +Tropical Decid idea mabye?Ill see what I can do with that idea.....
  782. El Pretender: -Implying Stingy can actually die
  783. I hate BTS: *R.I.P* rest in pepperonis old memz
  784. Something Icon: NOT THE MINE SONG
  785. Something Icon: NOT WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  786. Something Icon: NOT YEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  787. DoggoGaming: Crash not ded
  788. NorthernStal CPR y'all: YEE WILL NEVER DIE
  789. Chibi Cryst: Legend say memes never die, but it did because an edgy Indian kid - sings about dabbing.
  790. Kaity 43: I still love nose of these memes I’m Trigagagered
  791. lucasandkyleproductions: nice going behind the meme...
  792. Brandon Vistan: ペンパイナッポアッポペン。
  793. Brandon Vistan: I only know like a little bit of Japanese. I also know a little Spanish and Latin, and I have a very limited understanding of German, Korean, and Mandarin. All thinks to globalization. I'm very good at English though.
  794. Brandon Vistan: アイカントスピクジャパンニスベリウェル。
  795. Brandon Vistan: おれはアメイカ人です。
  796. Brandon Vistan: 猫を好き。
  797. AHumanTryingToGame: +Brandon Vistan (音楽が始まる)
  798. R0cco Raz: When a dead meme uses dead memes
  799. Lemon Man: There is a difference between dead memes and classic memes. Rickroll is definitely a classic
  800. Funnymuffler TV: YEE WILL LIVE ON
  801. JOSEANGEL2K14GAMING pro: 2008 2015 2016 omg
  802. PicklePyro: woah memes were always terrible, glad they're dead
  803. Kleinblue Katzen: Memes don’t die
  804. Pickle Sauze9: Shooting stars is dead? 😞
  805. Noah Barbosa: I miss these memes. It was a simpler time...
  806. StuffyBonnieCreations HavingAFuntime: 1:15 it is already a meme
  807. TriBOTz: I know Shooting Stars is a dead meme, but can we all just appreciate the amount of effort that was put into each meme?
  808. four: oh yes i love memes that died they are bootiful
  809. Kazoo Kid: Thank you for all the comments about getting rick rolled, I skipped that part. #StopRickRollingin2017
  810. Kazoo Kid: Thank you for all the comments about getting rick rolled, I skipped that part. #StopRickRollingin2017
  811. Kaiser Gaming: Lots of these memes were not really ever 'alive.'
  812. James Adam: careful, I had a cousin who got arrested for meme dealing by the cyber police... serving 12 years now. GR: Don't sample your own product!
  813. James Adam: The buying and selling of memes (dank and non dank included) for profit🤑🤑🤑, although you clearly know that . It illegal so you best be careful 🙈🙉🙊
  814. AHumanTryingToGame: +My brian is smarter then you're brian meme dealing?xD what is that? 😂
  815. BEANBEANSTER: 1:01
  816. Haziq Farhan: I regret coming to this comment section
  817. AHumanTryingToGame: +Haziq Farhan haha :)
  818. firefist211: how long did this take to make
  819. AHumanTryingToGame: +firefist211 tv actually not that long. Probably one hour
  820. I don't know: Yeah pen pinapple apple pen died on the first two weeks
  821. I don't know: Yeeeee
  822. PriceDown: "WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE" And the cool clothes,
  823. Baby Muffin: *I G O T R I C K R O L L E D*
  824. AnAngryRam: This video is a rollercoaster of emotions.
  825. Gamerinho Le Petit: Nor the two to the one and a one to the three
  826. Gamerinho Le Petit: Shooting stars meme isnt ceas,isnt IT?
  827. Tarēj: R.I.P these memes
  828. Promover los Super Huevos: Rick isn't dead stupid
  829. Josuke222: you don't know a shit about memes
  830. AHumanTryingToGame: +CarilletaReach apparently you don't either :3
  831. Not a pretty pal Boi: That was hell
  832. 9 Year Old: So many memes in one video, ITS TOO MUCH!
  833. Jay: Killroy was here
  834. Dan Lester: RIP: Yee Shooting Stars WOAH Getting Rickrolled "WHAT'RE THOSEEEE" PPAP mINE DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN look at dis dood dun duN dUN DUN
  835. SkeletonOps!: Epic Sax Guy isn't dead meme
  836. Trish: I just got rickrolled in 2017 GREAT
  837. Skips: Checkmate atheist
  838. Bootleg National Socialist 2: Electric Bootlegaloo: Motu And Patlu Checkmate existential crisis.
  839. Parfem: Now that i see this i reaised that todays memes went down shithole
  840. Benjamin Corn: This should honestly be try not to skip through the video challenge
  841. Thrasha Productions: i don`t think you should put shooting stars a
  842. Yaa yeEt: Should have played the indian dab meme one
  843. Ese Rigbone: Latino normies killed Shooting Stars
  844. AHumanTryingToGame: +Ese Rigbone Why Latinos?xD
  845. Liam: I like how he says “cool clothes” but he’s wearing a neon green shirt and red shorts 😂
  846. MagMC: Memes never die. They only lose their dankness
  847. A fellow man of cultuew: This is a dead meme so you’re just playing yourself
  848. Cappy-o: 1:09 You forget a dab
  849. Fiyin Sanni: Rip meams
  850. Pearl the rebel: deez nuts you need some milk DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH EEEEE
  851. Burnt Toast: How dare u say the shotting stars meme is dead
  852. DankSicle: *_CLICK_* NOICE
  853. ShadowGamer0974: How dare you consider Mine Song a Dead Meme. Now you must die. Oh ok.
  854. Steezy Mejia: Shooting stars will always be in our hearts...
  855. Yami.: I need 13839392
  856. Avery Patrick: I like old memes better
  857. stangnan dash: Épic sax Guy Will never die
  858. Zachritical: ‘Yee’ can be wounded but can’t die, for it is in the Important Videos playlist
  859. Saltaro: Yee is not a dead meme for me
  860. Robberu: 1:32 This isn't dead, THIS IS GOD HIMSELF
  861. DjPalos: Behind the meme sucks
  862. You will remember me, or don't, I don't care.: ernie gang
  863. Its T0asty: Half of these memes aren't dead
  864. Thor300565: Yee is not dead Shooting stars isnt dead Woah is not dead You reposted in the wrong neighborhood is not dead
  865. Cole Macgrath :/: Memes Don’t Die
  866. Diskest: Oh wait thats nikelodeon? I am officially never catching a glimpse of anything nikelodeon-related ever again
  867. weed75 Black: Rick rolling is a rare meme on account of the fact that it can't die. It's still a good April Fools joke but it's good as an April Fools joke only. Even if the meme is dead the song is still immortalized. Go check the song on YouTube and you can still see comments dating to today.
  868. catlover67803: YEE NEVER DIES
  869. Justaplainoldbox: 1:01 never gonna give you up isn't dead
  870. Zelda The Hero Of Hyrule: Justaplainoldbox it's dead, but it will always be a legend
  871. LaniVet T: I keep clicking on 1:01 and it looks hilarious
  872. Luke alias 1uk3: it is, for a long time now
  873. MakesMale HairGlow: Let's thank a moment to thank Behind the Meme for killing these masterpieces
  874. Lucas Luigikid: "Nick India d Se dab but on every dab a dead meme plays" *Dab* Doesn't replay video A N G E R Y
  875. That_Guy_._.: The memories..all gone to normie infested lands
  876. Lil' Cumstain: Remember our fallen comrades 😭😩😫😖😥
  877. A Triggerd Robloxian Boi: This is a shitty dab video and mix up with rip memes I think thats a rip meme complition
  878. Deku’s Shoes: Where was pumped up kicks
  879. dontquestionmyactions: When the first "dab" was said you should have played this video again and create an infinite loop.
  880. Taha Abbady: 58:00 darn it this is the so maniest time I got rick-rolled...
  881. DARK SIG: 🖕🖕🖕🖕
  882. A Random Person: Taha Abbady you never trick me
  883. Max Gamer: Taha Abbady yeah... Cause I never clicked it.
  884. Wilson: Shooting stafs are still alive for me
  885. Wilson: And reposted
  886. bouqueefius 3: I ALWAYS hated ppap
  887. Wheel 2000: We got Rickrolled
  888. Red Panda: Rick astley is not a dead meme
  889. DZ: Fun fact: when these memes were created they weren't dead! 😱
  890. MnMsandOreos: That was great
  891. 91111 98271: Yee is not dead
  892. Dank Memer2: A trip through meme history
  893. Red Barrel: Legends never die. If you let dab die.
  894. FunnelCakeBoi: 0:52 I'll never stop looking for Woah's killer. (Behind the Meme)
  895. gofigure 96: F*** you shooting stars is not a dead meme
  896. Silvurr the lazy tuber: This is why behind the meme needs to be taken down
  898. Flabby man: Those aren't dead memes
  899. Moises Rivas: The cringe, but these memes were good...
  900. Thomas Jeffperson: Woah? Dead meme? YOURE TRIPPY!
  901. Bowser Pines: Behind the Meme
  902. 『Crystal-Pepsi』: Yeee. Shooting stars. Woah. Rick roll. What r those. PPAP. Mine song. Epic sax guy. Flipagram roast. U reposted in the wrong neighborhood.
  903. ZurfeRAF _: Name song pls 1:50
  904. AHumanTryingToGame: +ZurfeRAF Gaming For without the words it's casin glue90 and the meme just search up 3 to the 1 to the 1 to the 3 and hopefully you'll find it
  905. Ghostly: Rip these memes They will always stay in our hearts, forever
  906. Luke alias 1uk3: Damn the flame war of elitists memers in the comment section
  907. Poolie: Is it sad that my dad still uses and says all these memes?
  908. Suzanne Melbourne: What are those is a vine, not a meme
  909. Suzanne Melbourne: Luke alias 1uk3 ohhhh..
  910. Luke alias 1uk3: Some vines turned into memes, such as the "deez nuts" one.
  911. Antonio Valenzuela: The mine song. R.I.P
  912. Dario Montieri: Is it bad that the shooting star meme made me smile?
  913. Dario Montieri: It just brings up memories lol
  914. Sparragon1: You missed harambe. get it? DEAD meme? It was funny... right? No? Okay ._.
  915. Jahin Alam: D se dead memes 😂😂😂
  916. amimo4th: The memes in this video are even more dead than Harambe. Dicks out for Harambe.
  917. len the stop motion guy: damit these are all my favorite memes
  918. Lemino: rick roll never dies
  919. Lemino: or did it
  920. Luke alias 1uk3: It died long time ago.
  921. Double Dash: This Illuminati sign is mine ( ^∇^)(。・ω・。)
  922. The boy Wonder: Do people even use the what are those meme anymore
  923. tom: no, that's why it's dead
  924. Anonim Extra: this cured my will to live xD
  925. Trent N.: yee is not a dead meme boy
  926. Luke alias 1uk3: It is, what are you talking about ?
  927. Lopezjoe 1028: Ohhhhhhh god
  928. Zinzan Bull: Every dab means another dab because dab is a dead meme
  929. Zinzan Bull: yee is not dead but dabing is
  930. 박예은: Mine song is catchy even if it's dead
  931. SR Nova Roksic: What about the *champ* ...
  932. Ronja Janatuinen: I miss the shooting stars meme... why did you destroy it BehindTheMeme?
  933. Olive Ascolane: What if "D Se Dab" is already dead?
  934. Bootleg National Socialist 2: Electric Bootlegaloo: Olive Ascolane Y'all can't come up with original comebacks, so look who's talking.
  935. Ronaldo's Cat: Omae wa mou shindeiru
  936. Olive Ascolane: Andrew Brzozy stfu normie :3
  937. Andrew Brzozy: gtfo weeb
  938. Olive Ascolane: Tsū not nami OH SHIT!
  939. soviet potato: When he said dab you should of just played the video again
  940. Sand Undertale: Wheres DAT BOIIIIIIIIIIIII??!!
  941. Dr Nano: Never gonna let yuo Dab
  942. Dr Nano: Luke alias 1uk3 No
  943. Luke alias 1uk3: Hey scp 079, already escaped the facility ?
  944. Lars Haas: Sad that Oro had perished
  945. Disabled Turtle1: YOU REPOSTED IN THE WRONG DAB!
  946. cringe master: Yee will never die
  947. pug and rocco Ayala: Woah is a new meme
  948. Luke alias 1uk3: Woah isn't a meme, it's cancer.
  949. Festeria Nyaa: Missed a spot
  950. AHumanTryingToGame: Festeria Nyaa if you read my comment you would understand
  951. Hilo Takenaka: Every meme is good With the exception of “What Are Those”
  952. Illuminati Gaming: Logic Inc. Same it was so annoying I'm glad it's dead
  953. faialnuno nuno: Luke alias 1uk3 nah fam, rickroll is good
  954. Loathing Inc.: Toffolus I went to school every day to hear people telling each other “What Are Those” and eventually I wanted to snap all of their necks Did this meme make me crazy
  955. Luke alias 1uk3: And rickroll is an exception too
  956. Punished Snake: I just got RICK ROLLED Memes are killed by Behind The Memes
  957. Optic G: No
  958. bigchungus.mp4: They all died because Behind The Meme touched it
  959. Dinocap: YEE WILL NEVER DIE, NO MATTER WHAT *shivers* behind the meme DOES
  960. koolkidz1989: says de se dab ) *repeats video*
  961. Tor 'que: Yakety sax is a dead meme !?
  962. roBPert CS:GO: i think shooting stars is not a dead meme
  963. Justina Astrauskienė: I have a seizure now thx <3
  964. Ahmad Abed: The Shooting stars meme was the best
  965. Tifozet e Interit: Epic sax guy 😢
  967. DSXG Plays: CRASH IS NOT DEAD YOU 🤬 HOBO sorry but I get *PISSED* when I am triggered
  968. derp steven: you reposted in the wrong neighbor hood and shooting stars are still alive
  969. Jordamy: 1st one isn’t dead
  970. That Pennsylvanian guy: The dead memes are mine.
  971. Pippy Katadoo: This video brings back so much memorys
  972. Elijah Bastion: Shooting stars is still alive in my book.....
  973. Wowey Zowey: *stop stop stop this now stop stop*
  974. PeckPlays: nice vine compilation
  975. :3 Just Another Weeb: Rick Rolled in 2017
  976. Sir_Tactical_Slime: lets have a moment of silence for the fallen memes
  977. Abigail Clark: 1:39 One of my music teacher played this earlier...
  978. Abigail Clark: AHumanTryingToGame He's a living meme tho :v
  979. AHumanTryingToGame: +Abigail Clark haha :)
  980. The Internet Police: "Memes never die!"
  981. Naluigi: but memes don't die. they just go underused.
  982. 9 subs no vids sin videos: what about the legend 27 :p
  983. Awesome Possum LPS: Yee is not a dead me. I say it multiple times a day with my friends. :0
  984. AHumanTryingToGame: +Awesome Possum LPS okay but it's still dead in my opinion
  985. Bare Bones Benjamin: I don't like to think of a meme as dead, just stale.
  986. JoshyAnimates: Rip
  987. Geometry Dash Pixel Snowy: Woah was fresh 2017 meme and it got killed even before the end of the year.
  988. Feature Length: Yee is not dead you godless heathen
  990. PeepingJayZ: Most of them are not dead smh
  991. AHumanTryingToGame: +PeepingJayZ then you are late on trends
  992. Andrew Lastname: Oh, it just replays itself every time someone dabs? That’s cool
  993. RedKharitonov: The sad thing is that I only recognised 1 meme to be dead.
  994. Jack Lyne: *N O S T A L G I C*
  995. AHumanTryingToGame: -G R E A T-
  996. Parsil: You got dabrolled
  998. Yeaaah Boooiii: Crash bandicoot is Dead meme? *TRIGGERED*
  999. Cupcatworld Animations: Why
  1001. S D L: Woah.
  1002. CPG: The gravestone of memes
  1003. Delius: Rip
  1004. 420 GMT: Ahh good times. Remember when back then before people ruined there’s memes? (Except PPAP they ruined them selfs)
  1005. Delius: 420GameMan T ppap is shit
  1006. Amber Lyons: Some of these aren't dead they're just vintage classic memes. Shooting star can never die :')
  1007. JBcaptian: Yee and rick aint dead
  1008. Alexander Lopez: l e g e n d s n e v e r d i e
  1009. luke mcd: OH THE MINE SONG IS NOT DEAD
  1010. joaquin pittaluga: ;-;
  1011. The Sheep That Games: I miss the mine song
  1012. Sally Duplechin: Oh dance till your dead will never die it just sounds good
  1013. Misa: Only ppap is technically dead
  1014. J Nebby: Atleast im not dead
  1015. Shukaku On Cracku: *T H I S M A I L B O X I S M I N E*
  1016. Efsaaneh: Cancer: The sequel
  1017. Parappa The Fapper: Wrong, those memes are not dead, because if they were, they would not be memes, the memes never die.
  1018. ZucaVliat24: Memes die
  1019. Ilie Tudor: PPAP was dead from the start
  1020. lol 10096: Yee
  1021. Da Vinly: M e m e s n e v e r d i e
  1022. Chang'e: In memory of rest of the memes BTM killed them
  1023. Jaseen ZM: Wait... "Woah" meme is that?
  1024. Olivia Tate: These old memes are mak’n me feel things...
  1025. Alyssa Louard: I'm up at 4 AM watching this. Just kill me
  1026. Spaghettiman: Fuck you Behind The Meme! You killed all of these memes!
  1028. Aidan Sy: Mine song?????? DISLIKED!
  1029. AHumanTryingToGame: +Xx_Trending24_xX true xD
  1030. ZucaVliat24: Please get into 2017
  1031. Jay de Blois: I enjoyed the mine song ones tho :'(
  1032. Slimey Gamer 9000: I remember when these memes were everyone's shit
  1033. AHumanTryingToGame: +Slimey Gamer 9000 👌
  1034. RIP XXX TENTACION: Dabs are almost a stupid ass fidget
  1035. Dank_Souls: yee and shooting stars are still kinda funny....
  1036. Perfect_Poop: Aw, reposted in the wrong neighborhood is dead?
  1037. Jayden The Asian: Normies still think these memes are cool....
  1038. Leslie Motorsport: Jayden The Asian u should look up jayden the asian in google
  1039. Sofia Mish: thank you
  1040. tomani02: Jayden The Asian some of these memes aren't dead. Are legendary
  1041. Loathing Inc.: Nuwbers Oh, EXCUUUUUSE ME for having my own taste and not following what everyone else says.
  1042. Nuwbers: Logic Inc. normie
  1043. MR. ELITE.: NOSTALGIA!!!
  1044. René Houseman: Yee is not dead. Crankthatfrank saved that meme
  1045. queria ser motoboy: kenny t
  1046. AHumanTryingToGame: +Big Smoke PRESENT
  1047. •_*: Yee died of overuse Shooting stars died of overuse and NORMIES WOAH died of behind the meme Ppap died of normies and it being unfunny What are those died of Jake Paul and it being unfunny
  1048. Infinity Wisteria: These videos are mine By stingy
  1049. Infinity Wisteria: YEE
  1050. Lolerixo: Ye is life ;(
  1051. Elijah Toombs: meme aside, the rick roll sounds good as hell
  1052. \*Kirb*/ \*Kirb*/: How dare you declare Stingy a dead meme.
  1053. Joan Daniels: This mailbox is mine and this triangular sign! The blue balloon, the month of June are all fanatically mine!
  1054. Laylaa32: Bean Da Duk he should stay dead, fuck that bitch
  1055. A Crisթ Kinց Deás: This dead meme is mine
  1056. Sophie :D: mine
  1057. David Sneakers: Stingy claims this video as punishment
  1058. gozax 123: Dsb i think that was wrotten wtf india nick dab
  1059. DubD 426: You legit made me throw my phone
  1060. AHumanTryingToGame: +DubD 426 oh haha :)
  1061. DubD 426: AHumanTryingToGame the what are those part
  1062. AHumanTryingToGame: +DubD 426 what part made you throw your phone?
  1063. DubD 426: AHumanTryingToGame no it's not luckily
  1064. AHumanTryingToGame: +DubD 426 is it cracked?
  1065. Big Chungus: I come here to cry bout dead memes
  1066. Hellotail: When you realized everyone in your class does these memes
  1067. AHumanTryingToGame: Good luck my friend
  1068. Hellotail: THEY ARE STILL DOIN THEM
  1069. AHumanTryingToGame: PretzzelBite I feel bad for you 😂😀
  1070. Mike Skellington: SO nostalgic
  1071. Maro: Dis dab is mine
  1072. Damage-Beats: dat beat tho not bad
  1073. Ľ Unboxatore Pazzo 04: YEE IS ALIVE!
  1074. Guilherme Lopes: i paused and he looked disgust
  1075. egg egg eggegg: No trololololololololo guy 0/10
  1076. Emolga McSassy: Everyone just kinda forgot about that meme more than others, huh? Well that's just how I feel it's like.
  1077. Luke alias 1uk3: Putting a SU character as a profile pic should be forbidden for a moment
  1078. mr bloo: Kiiilll meeehhh
  1079. Derek Rohen: NO SHOOTING STARS
  1080. Shammo Hamid: Man the Crash Bandicoot meme is shit.
  1082. Atomaghost: Xx_Trending24_xX why are you telling me what to do? I'm just trying to be funny, I just really like these memes, what's wrong with watching things you like huh? jeez
  1083. Atomaghost: Xx_Trending24_xX have you ever heard of manners? You can't just randomly reply to someone and say they are a fag, you don't even know me! yet you are calling me a fag because I like undertale. You can't just judge someone like that. That's rude, plus I was just being funny but you just randomly tell me I'm an undertale fag.
  1084. Doge 455: Yee
  1085. ThatDudePrince: The last dab should have been a dabbing meme
  1086. Go Commit Die: YEE WILL NEVER DIE
  1087. Anikanvader 1: U got pickled ricked
  1088. nicecollin oficcial!!!!!!: the little kids that don't know how to catch up with memes will be triggered
  1090. ZucaVliat24: Stfu
  1091. ben dover: If you play in any school band, nobody can say that Epic Sax Guy is dead because it's a code of conduct for any sax to start playing it during a lecture
  1092. Sayami the cat whomst consumes spagoot: most of these are my soul
  1093. Antonio e cia 7272: 1:34 m se mine
  1094. Neon Lights: I'm pretty bummed out by the fact that I got rickrolled in 2017
  1095. Mo Flow: Neon Lights *I fudging love that song. HOW DARE U DIS IT I WILL ROLL RICK U*
  1096. Aniyae. J: I got rickrolled in 2018 DIDNT I WRALPH?!?!?
  1097. Connor and Hank: I got Rickrolled in 2018. Think about that for a moment.
  1098. Waahaa _1: Thanks for hyping me
  1099. EdiMations Productions!: Thasyka lol u know that meme? Cool! But if you know that meme... IT'S MINE SAME AS THE SIGNS ON THE STEET BOI
  1100. itzDutch: You just rick rolled 6345 people in 2017... what is wrong with you?
  1101. RIP Balloon Chan: itzDutch 193k now
  1102. Veronica Vitucis: itzDutch 134k
  1103. lol im pumkin: itzDutch 100k now
  1104. LaniVet T: Thx for the heads up btw
  1105. LaniVet T: What time
  1106. DjMoRalEs 74: all killed by behind the meme
  1107. Lucky Gal: Accully pew pew pie killed these meme
  1108. Loggog: T A C O D U D E sorry
  1109. T A C O D U D E: Loggog YT yeah you first
  1110. T A C O D U D E: Loggog YT we just ruined this beautiful thing
  1111. T A C O D U D E: Loggog YT why you typed that delete it fam
  1112. LogoManJohnny: Shooting stars isn’t a dead meme or is it? Or you reposted in the wrong neighborhood ?
  1113. Sense PW: 1:02 never a dead meme And never will
  1114. CallMe MFor: Yeet is not a dead meme I refuse this.
  1115. AHumanTryingToGame: MFor Manning Yee*
  1116. TwistedSushiKiller: The reason why he forgot that one dab is because dabbing is dead :).
  1117. Mark Justice: People in me school still dab
  1118. Syed Mohd Agil: Marinette dab is sure dead, but d se dab is just the beginning :)
  1119. Atomaghost: Kittydoggo boi derp, ok
  1120. Saffire _Playz: undertale Dj dabong is another meme
  1121. Waryuniform3000: I thought you said a dead meme plays
  1122. i hate being stiff: please don't show this to the mememaster at my school
  1123. Lockstepper Lockstepper: Memes don't die... THEY GET STRONGER.
  1124. Cooliflower: This is art.
  1126. Toutac: No this is animation
  1127. Xxlolz_ popxX: owo it truly is
  1128. Cooliflower: Oh fucc, look at that sexy pin.
  1129. Real Trash: But The Shooting Star Meme Was Unavaiable
  1130. Alexa Gamma: Nothing like the old times...
  1131. flirth: this will trigger a bunch of people
  1132. Sofia Mish: i agree *voice slowly becomes demonic* IT TRIGGERED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1133. Nikhil Singh: yEe will always be alive to me
  1134. GD Bailey: yee is so dead meme
  1135. B I O M A T S U: bailey no yee is best meme
  1136. Green Duck Tape: no.
  1137. ごみCblloyd7ごみ: ironic how the De Se Dab is a dead meme itself
  1138. Chi: No. It's just getting started.
  1139. vtoxic: Ilikewaterandoxygen it’s not even old
  1140. Sofia Mish: no, DABBING is a dead meme but D SE DAB is brand new
  1141. ごみCblloyd7ごみ: Thx for 45 likes
  1142. Guinea Pig World: IRONIC
  1143. 1,000 Subs With no vids: *3 TO DA 1 TO DA 1 TO DA 3*
  1144. That_Scar: And Weegee?
  1145. Sean Joseph Gaming: Well there goes your 69 comments... Hello 70 ._. Goodbye 'bast secks uv mai hole lief'
  1146. Cumpster: Yee will never die.
  1147. Zachary Adams: Thank God we have memes censoring the cringy dabs (PS stingy is my fav- OH wait A L L. L A Z Y T O W N M E M E S A R E M Y. F A V O R A T E EVEN the woah meme (•v-) )
  1148. K00l Ken: Dank
  1149. sadmario 2001: Wrong Neighboord Dead? Are you okay?
  1150. sadmario 2001: Ah, I forgot this.
  1151. Gameninja45: sadmario 2001 Behind The Meme
  1152. lydia: 1. yee 2.shooting stars 3.woah crash bandicoot 4.rick roll 5.what r those 6.ppap 7.stingy song 8.sax guy 7.bruh look at this dude reposted in the wrong neighborhood
  1153. AHumanTryingToGame: Sans wife Offical Named Kallie Glad you know your memes :)
  1154. plastic: rest in peace except 1:12 and 1:21 burn pls
  1155. Shaman X: plastic Kys
  1156. WitherPlayzGamez: Earthbound Nerd o
  1157. Regice: Lizzy Noodle No
  1158. Regice: Tntgirl 941 No
  1159. Regice: Pugfa1c No
  1160. Neoxus, WhoYouCanTrustToGiveQualityJojoreferences: wait... reposted in the wrong neighborhood, dead?)
  1161. AHumanTryingToGame: Neoxus, WhoYouCanTrustToGiveQualityJojoreferences I'm sorry to say so but it is...It's like 1 year old
  1162. Foxer29: Welcome to the cementery of memes
  1163. Joshki 19: PPAP IS NOT DEAD
  1164. Chill: Yes it is, it has been for like a year
  1165. barbie doll tea: These Memes shall never die. (Except fot PPAP, it deserved to die.)
  1166. prisoner of the dab police prison: Justen bevor should be dead ppap should not be be dead
  1167. EdiMations Productions!: PPAP is actually one of my favourite songs.... I heard it in 2015 and i did not know it was a meme xD
  1168. Seth Gamer: warmm tea uganda knuckles died
  1169. x5rggff RBLX: warmm tea you deserve to die too
  1170. AmeliaCornPony: Simao Valadão not the figet spinners..... Btw they were a trend not a meme
  1171. AHumanTryingToGame: At around 1:08 I missed like 1 "dab"(I think) plz no hate
  1172. AHumanTryingToGame: Legend xXGamingLegendXx thanks!
  1173. Legend xXGamingLegendXx: Love the vid
  1174. Jed Etherington: *hate*
  1175. AHumanTryingToGame: Wow 1.3k views 😪 thanks :_-)
  1176. Jstar Vids: Rickrolling isn't a dead meme, it is a classic meme.
  1177. jordangaming101: 2 normies disliked.
  1178. AHumanTryingToGame: jordangaming101 6*
  1179. oofery: Y does Woah die? :C
  1180. Kw6sTheater: You should’ve done how to dab as one of the dead memes too...
  1181. Orionek [GD]: Y se Yee, W se Woah, P se PPAP, M se Mine, B se Bruh
  1182. Lucky Gal: S se shiny
  1183. L2 Holdings: P se Protogent
  1184. Lukinhaas Mendonça: *_S se Stop._*
  1185. Sophie :D: W se WUT ARE DOSEEEEE
  1186. Juan David Hernandez: Orionek [GD] D se DED
  1187. BlueChicken: Woah shall never die.
  1188. OmegaNut: Xx_Trending24_xX And people who overused it
  1189. ZucaVliat24: MetalTheMan btm killed it
  1190. OmegaNut: MariWoah Shame it has son
  1191. DJhussler: This is funny Fucking great.
  1192. jazzy min yoongi: Present
  1193. Oracle [LSTV]: I want to gas the normies so bad, some of these memes had so much potential.
  1194. SEAGULL MK II: If we gas the normies then won't we become the new version of normie?
  1195. Hi tech roofing: Behind the meme and his normie minions killing all decent memes!
  1196. SuperYoshiFan10090 Studios: Look at these normies and sjws being as retarded as Shroomz
  1197. TheRealSuper: some normies got triggered in here
  1198. Like A Boss Charizard: They aren’t Dead they just became a legendary meme
  1199. Sonic The Hedgehog: Only normies still use some of these dead ones.
  1200. Sonic The Hedgehog: But some memes aren't really dead. People still use these.
  1201. AHumanTryingToGame: Has been like 30 mins and now 400 and something views!
  1202. AHumanTryingToGame: 300 views! Thanks
  1203. Dead Smh: 1:00 OMG LOOK AT THAT
  1204. Matthew2504: Not dead
  1205. Canned Bread: Good one dood
  1206. *Mr. Crappy*: ',: ) good 1 ,': )
  1207. Kroxi - Reviews and More: God dang it xDD
  1208. Sonic The Hedgehog: Oh you! Living like it's the good old days of memes... but what is that at 1:11?
  1209. Teel Inkling gamer: How is shooting stars dead??? Explain dis
  1210. Bootleg National Socialist 2: Electric Bootlegaloo: Teel Inkling gamer You sound like the worst tryhard liberal trash in existence. Cease to exist.
  1211. Teel Inkling gamer: Understandable have a great day
  1212. Teel Inkling gamer: The fuck? Im no kid. I do know how to spell "kid" Also your joke backfired big time
  1213. ZucaVliat24: Teel Inkling learn how to spell kid
  1214. Teel Inkling gamer: Jesus fuck. Let BTM do whatever his heart desiers
  1215. Big Chungus: Whoa is never going to die
  1216. el genio comentó i suck your dick: POLYGON ohhhh i thought you hated grasosos D: my apologies
  1217. el genio comentó i suck your dick: POLYGON again shut up and chill no need to type a lot of comments and if we just stfu and enjoy our lifes? even tho youtube dont send me notifications of your answers so.... what about if we shut up?
  1218. Noir: el genio comentó You corrected me saying "*arent't" i know you really didn't said anything but i was just saying in case i commit more errors
  1219. Noir: el genio comentó Well, now that i can see clearly, your style excuse was right, so i would like to apologize
  1220. Noir: el genio comentó Just chill man, i never said i hated grasosos
  1221. Jstar Vids: Ok. Shooting stars, now that is dead and rotting.
  1222. Jstar Vids: Yee is Immortal!!! How can one say it is dead?!?!!
  1223. AHumanTryingToGame: +Jack Tirimacco haha
  1224. Jstar Vids: Well, sure I guess. I mean yee is my fav meme because the Important Videos playlist showed me the meaning of life, like how orange is a yellow fruit.
  1225. Chill: I can
  1226. ELK Man: Should've made the last dab play this vid again
  1228. boyukii: Endless loop
  1229. kaos ascendent: ELK Man but it would turn this video into a infinite loop
  1230. Mr pony: Its dead behind the meme made a video
  1231. Gaster Gangster: The South its not really dead but it isn’t funny anymore. same thing happened to protegent
  1233. CynicallyApex: This is the best meme of 2017
  1234. [SXTH] Squiddy X Twitch: Libby Shadows I
  1235. Willy Gaming: *A N D D A B A N D D A B A N D D A B*
  1236. CallMe MFor: *D A B*
  1237. AHumanTryingToGame: Thanks for 100 views!
  1238. AHumanTryingToGame: wolverine cecil wow!
  1239. Minecraft Steve: AHumanTryingToGame 300
  1240. Lol Wit: Rickrolling will never die....
  1241. EmmettRocks: Lol Wit welp 666 likes devil number R.I.P
  1242. Crix - Crox: As an Indian I personally believe rickrolling is immortal unlike humans
  1243. Smakyak Productions: Yeah, it has, so long ago. You can’t live in denial.
  1244. Lil hailie memer: I still get rick rolled til this day
  1245. Xyphre: I have 3 words... BEHIND THE MEME
  1246. MyNameIsLom: Marry me
  1247. 10,000 subs with no more videos: marry meme*
  1248. FamBoi: MyNameIsLom _ make it an open relationship

De Se Dab-But each "dab" Makes a Dead Meme Play

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